REALTOR® Valuation Report
The Expert REALTOR® Valuation Report is based on The RPR Valuation Workbook summarizing the evaluation made using the Sales Comparison Analysis. It includes details about the subject property and the comps and adjustments made in the workflow, as well as an overview of local housing market conditions produced using the most up-to-date MLS data.
Receive Your Property Valuation Report
The Seller’s Report is a tool for listing presentations, similar to a CMA (comparative market analysis). It reviews the subject property, shows the condition of the local market, presents comparable properties for side-by-side comparison, recommends a pricing strategy and shows estimated seller proceeds.
We can also customize the comp properties that populate the report, using a Comp Analysis tool, and share the analysis result with you if so desire.

The Seller’s Report typically runs about 35 pages.

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Meet Andrew Coleman
My wife and I have been married for 17 years and I’m the lucky father to 4 wonderful kids! My background is in physical therapy in many different settings. I worked as a physical therapist assistant for 7 years and still maintain my license today. With the changes in the field of PT I thoughtfully and prayerfully made the decision to become a REALTOR. My father has been a broker in both Oregon and Idaho for over 20 years. He’s been a valuable resource as I continue to learn this field. His approach is down to earth being from a farming community but he’s known across the valley for honesty and integrity…for just being himself. Watching his career I knew that I would still be able to help people and provide great customer service as a REALTOR.